Our Elizabethtown ATM will be unavailable on Monday, February 3rd, from 7 am to approximately 9am on February 7th.   As always, our Elizabethtown lobby is open Monday-Friday from 9-4 for your banking needs. 

Checking In

We continue to think of you and all our members during the coronavirus disease pandemic (COVID-19). We want you to know that we're not going anywhere because, at its core, our credit union is not a building or a business; its people unified for a common goal of financial well-being.

We remain open via our drive-thru at all three branch locations, our electronic banking channels and by telephone. We continue to keep our lobbies closed to the public. As we look forward to 'reopening day,' our top priority is the health and safety of the communities we serve. We are closely monitoring the state and local stay at home orders, developing reopening protocols and we will update you on any changes when we learn more about a possible and safe reopen of our branch lobbies.

We're always here for you.

These are challenging times for everyone, and we know that some of your biggest payments are due soon. If you are economically impacted by this pandemic and are concerned about your bills, our staff is dedicated to working with and helping you through these uncertain times. Now, more than ever, we are here to support our members. Please visit: www.tfcunow.com/member-services/financial-hardship

Assistance for Businesses

As soon as we learned about the assistance offered to businesses under the CARES act, we immediately took action to become a certified Small Business Administration (SBA) lender to provide the Paycheck Protection Program to our business members. We are happy to announce that over $430,000 in loans were approved for our businesses this past week under the program! We want to thank our lending team for their effort. The demand and volume for this program are high and, they have worked day and night to ensure these applications were submitted for processing by the SBA.

If you are looking to apply for the Paycheck Protection Program for your small business, please visit www.tfcunow.com/paycheck-protection-program. PLEASE NOTE: Applications can still be submitted but, delays in processing may occur based on the Small Business Administration's (SBA) volume of applications and availability of unallocated funds. Applications will be processed as they are received.

Stay healthy and safe! We will get through this together.

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