Our Elizabethtown ATM will be unavailable on Monday, February 3rd, from 7 am to approximately 9am on February 7th.   As always, our Elizabethtown lobby is open Monday-Friday from 9-4 for your banking needs. 

TFCU board chairman retires; a new chairman is announced in addition to two new board members and associate director.

Ticonderoga, NY - After serving as an active volunteer for 15 years, TrailNorth Federal Credit Union’s Chairman of the Board of Directors, David Baird has retired.

“It has been and honor and privilege to serve the TFCU members over the past 15 years,” said Baird. “I retire knowing the credit union is strong, headed in a positive direction and in good hands with a dedicated leadership team and Board of Directors”.

TFCU’s Board of Directors has elected Richard Carpenter to succeed Baird on the Board. Carpenter has significant volunteer service to TFCU, having served as Chairman of the Supervisory Committee since 2010.

“I want to thank David for his dedicated volunteer service to TFCU and to the Board for their confidence in me as TFCU’s new Chairman,” stated Carpenter. “I intend to follow my predecessor’s footsteps in working towards achieving TFCU’s mission to enhance the lives of our members by offering a full range of convenient and economic services while maintaining financial security”.

Retired from the Board was Francine Burke with over 25 years of service. New Board appointments to fill the retired vacancies, approved at TFCU’s 2019 Annual meeting, were Richard McClintock, a retired Ticonderoga High School teacher and Shana Macey, President of Crown Point Telephone.

Of the transition, TFCU President/CEO, Shawn Hayes stated, “David Baird did a tremendous job throughout his association with the credit union. I appreciated his leadership ability and many accomplishments and wish him the best. I am confident Rick will excel as our new Board Chairman and look forward to working under his leadership. Francine Burke was a tremendous asset during her long service to our board and I wish her well in her retirement”.

Hayes added, “I am pleased with the caliber of our new Director’s, Shana Macey and Richard McClintock. Both are well known, have impressive credentials and will bring new perspective and abilities as we move forward to capitalize on opportunities and challenges in service to our members”.

The Board has launched an Associate Director Program and has welcomed Anthony Anselmo as their first appointment. Anthony will bring his education in Financial Economics and background in investment banking and business ownership to bear in this new role.

As an Associate Director, Anthony will be part of a group of individuals who collectively govern one of the area’s best appreciated and progressive financial institutions.

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